Telegram is a free and encrypted, cloud-based messaging platform.
Joining links can be found in your members area
For Club updates such as event information, discount code changes and anything else important to members.
Only Club Admins can post
For general chat between members.
Topics: Sales, Discount & Event Requests
Supports the sending of; text, photos, videos, stickers & GIFs, music, files, voice messages, video messages and polls
Similar to other messaging platforms such as GroupMe or WhatsApp, you can reply to and quote messages, as well as react with a choice of emojis.
Transitioning from GroupMe
If you have been an existing member of the Club, we previously used the GroupMe platform. For reliability, we will be switching all chats to Telegram by 1st January 2025. Like GroupMe, Telegram can be accessed via mobile app on Android and iOS as well as on desktop via a web browser.
Once you have created your free Telegram account and signed up to both RCUK Announcements & RCUK Club Chat by clicking the joining links found on your members area homepage, you can delete GroupMe providing you do not use it for any other communications. Telegram also supports direct messaging so you are able to privately contact fellow members.
Please note that all chat history will be lost when transitioning.