Chat only from 7am-11pm
Do not share or generate joining links
Be kind and helpful, respect other members and admins
Sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, explicit media etc. will not be tolerated
Do not share member details, discount codes or Club PIN
Advertising is not permitted
Only post ‘for sale’ items in the Sales sub-group
Try to keep event discussions within the Event specific group chat(s)
If disruptive to the group or non-constructive, move disagreements and arguments to DM
Anything relating to crime or politics are not permitted to be discussed
Do not mute the Club Announcements group
By submitting media in this Ranger Club UK group chat, I grant permission for the photos / videos to be published by Ranger Club UK. Media can be used on; but not limited to: website, RCUK social channels, RCUK physical media, RCUK partners
These rules are non negotiable. Failure to comply with them may result in your removal from the Group Chat or Club without refund.